Traace is officially a CDP Software Accredited Solutions Provider in France

Traace is officially a CDP Software Accredited Solutions Provider in France

Traace has undergone the accreditation process of solution providers proposed by the CDP, the reference organization on reporting of environmental data for companies. Certified in 6 service categories, Traace joins the prestigious network of "Accredited Solutions Providers" by the CDP.

Thomas Guyot

Thomas Guyot


Update :

What is the CDP?

The CDP, formerly known as the Carbon Disclosure Project, is an international non-profit organization that aims to generalize the publication of data on the environmental impact and climate strategies of companies and cities.

Born in 2000 in London, the CDP has succeeded in accelerating the public disclosure of the environmental impact of companies by relying on the demands for transparency made by investors to their companies. At a time when regulatory standards on extra-financial reporting are struggling to emerge, the CDP collects environmental data from thousands of companies every year and today represents one of the largest and most accurate databases of corporate environmental data in the world.

The CDP currently assists more than 18,700 companies and over 1,100 cities and states in measuring and managing their risks and opportunities related to climate change, water security and deforestation.

What is the mission of the CDP?

The environmental reporting standard developed by the CDP allows financial and public markets to compare the climate performance, the level of commitment and the level of ambition of companies in favor of the ecological transition.

Beyond the standardization of the data expected for serious climate reporting posed by the CDP, the organization operates in a manner similar to a rating agency on the environmental performance of companies. Indeed, each year, the CDP takes into account the information provided in its annual reporting process and rates companies and cities on the different aspects considered (Climate, Water, Forest), encouraging them to become leaders in transparency and environmental action.

Through its independent rating methodology, the CDP measures the progress of companies and cities and encourages concrete action on climate change, forest preservation and water security.

What is CDP partner certification?

CDP has launched an environmental solutions and services provider accreditation program to help organizations that report to CDP identify quality providers to accelerate their transition to environmental leadership.

Accredited solution providers support organizations working with the CDP to improve their level of disclosure and action needed for a sustainable economy. From renewable energy experts to software platforms to verification organizations, CDP-accredited providers offer a wide range of expertise and services to help companies implement their sustainability strategies.

Through an accreditation process that includes reference checks of solutions, CDP has built a reliable network of accredited solution providers around the world.

Traace's certification by the CDP

Traace is proud to be a CDP-accredited solution provider in the following 6 categories:

What is the process for partner accreditation by the CDP?

In addition to the various security-related requirements, the main criterion assessed for CDP certification is obtaining testimonials from at least six customer references, including a minimum of three companies that respond annually to CDP and three large corporations.

These references are asked to respond regarding the types of services requested, the quality of the services provided, the price/performance ratio of the solution or its ROI, and finally how comfortable the company would be in recommending the evaluated solution to a peer.

Traace customer references provided to CDP for our accreditation.

At Traace today, we are fortunate to work with some incredible, committed customers who have helped Traace grow and who have given us exceptional feedback on our solution and support as part of the CDP accreditation process.

Here is an extract from some of our customers' responses, which they have given us permission to share:

"Very good quality of service. Whether it's through the live chat integrated to the Traace tool or by email, we always have answers to our problems within the day. We have with Traace a collaborative work mode and the team systematically takes into account our feedbacks and remarks. As a start-up, Traace is very agile. We view Traace as a partner and not just a service provider."

- Elior
"The service provided by Traace is very good, Traace is always there to help us with our carbon emissions diagnosis. The responsiveness and professionalism of the Traace team are very good. The team is there to help you set up and use the solution. I would recommend Traace to any company wanting to draw up a greenhouse gas balance sheet. Even if a company has specificities and requires an adaptation of the platform, Traace is open to discussion to evolve its solution to the needs of its customers."

"Traace's services meet and exceed our expectations. They enable us to fine-tune the tool to our needs and the specific features of our business. Since they started working with us, the service provided by the Traace teams has exceeded our expectations. They continue to improve their tool to enrich it and meet our evolving additional needs. Traace makes sure that each company can customize the tool according to its needs.

The Traace teams are very responsive and dedicated to their customers. They also push their customers to go the extra mile. The tool developed by Traace is not just about measuring or tracking carbon footprints. As the tool's interfaces are User-Friendly, it can be shared with any member of an organization with different levels of rights and access, and can also be used to raise team awareness. It's a powerful tool for large companies like ours."

- Sodexo
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