Our mission

Technologically equip all organizations to accelerate their transition to an environmentally and socially sustainable model

Join us

A committed and passionate team serving an ambitious and necessary mission

31 years old
Average age

Dedicated and experienced founders and managers

Rodolphe Denieau
Thomas Guyot
Patrick Nollet
Vincent Lorich
Brune de Bodman
Head of Operations
Justine Mesnard
Head of Sales
Louis Héron
Head of Marketing

The urgency of climate change imposes the need to transform our growth model and achieve global carbon neutrality by 2050.

This challenge presents an opportunity to be seized by companies that will lead this environmental transition and thus reduce their costs and their carbon footprint while strengthening the commitment of their employees.

Traace is a Greentech scale-up whose mission is to help you rise to this challenge. Our innovative carbon management software will help you simply measure your footprint, initiate reduction strategies and manage your carbon emissions.

Join us in this goal!

- The Traace team

We're recruiting, join us!

Our values


We prefer practice to theory.
We seek to be rational in our choices.
We test our intuitions against reality before committing ourselves to a new project.

Transparency and honesty

We believe that transparency and honesty are the cement of human relations.
We strive to facilitate access to information internally.
We publicly acknowledge our mistakes.
We will never push unsuitable solutions on our customers.


We push every member of our team to challenge the status quo.
Every past decision must be open to question if our pragmatism prompts us to do so.
There is no glass ceiling.

General interest

The other comes before self, the team comes before the individual, the environment and society come before our short-term interests.
We help each other.
We develop empathy.
We refuse to compartmentalize roles.
We place our mission at the heart of our decisions.

Ambition and Excellence

We believe we can have an impact on our world, and we give ourselves the means to do so.
We seek excellence in the profiles we recruit.
We are constantly learning, and aim for the personal growth of every member of our team.

Let's talk about your decarbonisation challenges
Request a demo